
Standard Android two-state toggle component

Edit on GitHubProps #

disabled bool #

If true, this component can't be interacted with.

onValueChange function #

Invoked with the new value when the value changes.

testID string #

Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests.

value bool #

Boolean value of the switch.

Edit on GitHubExamples #

'use strict'; var React = require('React'); var SwitchAndroid = require('SwitchAndroid'); var Text = require('Text'); var UIExplorerBlock = require('UIExplorerBlock'); var UIExplorerPage = require('UIExplorerPage'); var SwitchAndroidExample = React.createClass({ statics: { title: '<SwitchAndroid>', description: 'Standard Android two-state toggle component.' }, getInitialState : function() { return { trueSwitchIsOn: true, falseSwitchIsOn: false, colorTrueSwitchIsOn: true, colorFalseSwitchIsOn: false, eventSwitchIsOn: false, }; }, render: function() { return ( <UIExplorerPage title="<SwitchAndroid>"> <UIExplorerBlock title="Switches can be set to true or false"> <SwitchAndroid onValueChange={(value) => this.setState({falseSwitchIsOn: value})} style={{marginBottom: 10}} value={this.state.falseSwitchIsOn} /> <SwitchAndroid onValueChange={(value) => this.setState({trueSwitchIsOn: value})} value={this.state.trueSwitchIsOn} /> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Switches can be disabled"> <SwitchAndroid disabled={true} style={{marginBottom: 10}} value={true} /> <SwitchAndroid disabled={true} value={false} /> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Change events can be detected"> <SwitchAndroid onValueChange={(value) => this.setState({eventSwitchIsOn: value})} style={{marginBottom: 10}} value={this.state.eventSwitchIsOn} /> <SwitchAndroid onValueChange={(value) => this.setState({eventSwitchIsOn: value})} style={{marginBottom: 10}} value={this.state.eventSwitchIsOn} /> <Text>{this.state.eventSwitchIsOn ? 'On' : 'Off'}</Text> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Switches are controlled components"> <SwitchAndroid /> <SwitchAndroid value={true} /> </UIExplorerBlock> </UIExplorerPage> ); } }); module.exports = SwitchAndroidExample;